3 February: Hiroshima
Lectures by experts, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Virtual Reality (VR) tour, flower offering ceremony for the atomic bomb victims, Peace Memorial Museum visit, welcome reception
4 February: Hiroshima
Lectures by experts, Hibakusha testimony (Ms. Teruko Yahata)
5 February: Hiroshima
Lectures by experts, Courtesy visit to the City of Hiroshima, Courtesy visit to Hiroshima Prefectural Government, Simulation exercise 1
6 February: Hiroshima
Lectures by experts, Youth Sessions, networking
7 February: Hiroshima
Simulation exercises 2 and 3, wrap-up session and evaluation, certification ceremony
8 February: Tokyo
Attendance to the “International Civil Society Forum to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: 80 Years Since the Atomic Bombing” in Tokyo
9 February: Tokyo
UNITAR Public Session at the International Civil Society Forum to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: 80 Years Since the Atomic Bombing
*not part of the UNITAR NDNP Training Programme